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Vidéos (30)

Call for the recycling of human pooh
Humans are the only animals who defecate in their drinking water. According to conservative estimates, the Indian sacred river Yamuna receives more than 3000 million litters of domestic waste (...)
Traditional Workers fights for their Lifestyle
This is a story about people who are struggling to keep their lifestyles going. Traditional fish workers, forest dwellers, farmers who are being displaced by large scale industrial projects are (...)
Camponesas construindo futuros
Testemunhos de mulheres agricultoras durante a Segunda Assembléia Mundial das mulheres rurais que tiveram lugar no Brasil em junho de 2004 por ocasião da IV Conferência Internacional da Via (...)
Campesinas construyendo Futuro
Testimonios de las mujeres campesinas durante la Segunda Asamblea Mundial de las mujeres rurales, que tuvo lugar en Brasil en junio de 2004 con motivo de la IV Conferencia Internacional de la Vía (...)
Women farmers building the future
Testimonies of women farmers during the Second World Assembly of rural women which took place in Brazil in June 2004 on the time of the Fourth International Conference of la Via (...)
Les hommes de la forêt
Toutes les 15 secondes, un hectare de la forêt indonésienne part en fumée pour satisfaire la production d’huile de palme et de papier de grandes multinationales. Les indigènes voient les palmiers à (...)

Radio & photos (12)

Before the hand over

Henry Saragih

Interview with the general coordinator of La Via Campesina, Henry Saragih realized by World Real Radio in Jakarta, Indonesia, June 2013.
Searching for the right path

Nettie Wiebe, representative of the National Farmers’ Union of Canada

Audio recorded by Real World Radio in Jakarta, Indonesia, in the framework of VI International Conference of La Via Campesina. “The whole agenda about the green economy, which means that every part of nature, every part of living systems is being commodified to be bought and sold, is a (...)
Photos de la cérémonie de clotûre des Jeunes de la Via Campesina

Soekarno a dit "donnez-moi 10 jeunes et nous changerons le monde". Vous êtes plus de dix et je crois que depuis La Via Campesina, nous pouvons résoudre les problèmes qui se produisent dans ce monde", a déclaré Henry Saragih lors de l’ouverture de l’assemblée des jeunes. Ces photos montrent la mystica (...)