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Terre, eau et territoires

Vidéos (198)

Lower Aguán - Cry for the Land
The documentary is aimed at exposing to the international public the state of constant threat faced by peasant farmers in the Bajo Aguán region of Honduras.
Oil Palm Aggression on Palawan UNESCO Man and (...)
Agrofuels in Palawan, as elsewhere in the Philippines, have been portrayed as a key solution to lower greenhouse gas emission, achieve energy independence, as well as a tool for poverty (...)
It was their native customary land until palm oil companies came and claimed it their own. With the help of corrupt politicians, almost 9,000 hectares of forest and agricultural lands were (...)
Environmental crime : in pursuit of palm oil (...)
Palm oil is massively imported into Europe, to be used for food and biofuels. A new refinery might be established in Port la Nouvelle (Aude - South of France), supported by local authorities (or (...)
Palm oil plantations in Uganda
Wilmar International is developing palm oil plantations in biodiverse islands in Lake Victoria, Uganda. The first phase of the project finished in 2011. The second phase is currently going ahead, (...)
Oil Palm in Africa : voices from the communities
Industrial oil palm plantations are rapidly expanding, not only in Liberia. In many African countries expansion projects are happening and plans are announced. Everywhere they go, the companies (...)
What Challenges Are Peasants Facing in (...)
At the SADC People’s Summit 2014 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, peasants and rural women across Southern Africa and beyond, gathered together in the struggle against land grabbing, transnational (...)
Niger : People of Keita valley winning the (...)
Reeling from decades of droughts the people of Keita valley in Niger are winning the battle against the encroaching desert. Conserving this once fertile valley is a daily struggle where water is (...)

Radio & photos (18)

Brasil : MST - 21 Sin Tierra asesinados, 23 años de impunidad

Intervención frente al Tribunal de Justicia de Alagoas, en memoria de los asesinados en la Masacre de Eldorado dos Carajás, en Pará.
Tracto-Vélo contre la A45

34 tracteurs, 180 vélos et 2000 personnes, malgré la pluie !
Caravane Ouest Africaine pour la Terre et l’eau

Partie de Ouagadougou, très tôt le matin du samedi 5 mars 2016, la Caravane Ouest-africaine des luttes pour les terres, l’eau et les semences a marqué un premier arrêt à Houndé dans l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. Il a été question des OGM, de l’accès à l’eau potable, de l’accaparement des terres, etc. Puis les (...)
Saeed Baloch, Advocator for Fishermen’s Rights, Arrested in Pakistan

Saeed Baloch

Saeed Baloch, veteran activist and campaigner for fishermen’s rights in Pakistan, was arrested on the 16th of January 2016 by Pakistani forces. Hemantha Withanage, Executive Director at the Center for Environmental Justice and a member of Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka, spoke with Real World (...)
10 décembre 2015 : Convergence globale des luttes de la Terre et de l’eau

El 10 de diciembre de 2015, la Convergencia Global de las Luchas por la Tierra y el Agua organizo una conferencia sobre el tema : "Enfriar el planeta : las comunidades afectadas en la vanguardia de la lucha". Segun esa convergencia es necesario buscar puntos de encuentro al fin de hacer llegar (...)
La Via Campesina participates at Expo dei Popoli, Milan Italy

The Expo in Milan ignores the small-scale food producers. We are responsible for feeding 70% of the world population. Doing so we create employment, we cool down the earth, and we respect nature and workers in the process. Together we defend people’s rights and dignity and we tell it to the (...)
La Via Campesina participates at Expo dei Popoli, 3-5 June 2015 Milan Italy

La Via Campesina is at Expo dei Popoli to let the world know that WE feed the world. The Expo in Milan ignores the small-scale food producers. We are responsible for feeding 70% of the world population. Doing so we create employment, we cool down the earth, and we respect nature and workers (...)
Un Estado anticampesino

Brutal despliegue de fuerza contra más de 150 familias campesinas en Paraguay.