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Land, water and territories

Videos (198)

Right to Land and Seed
Food sovereignty is the main political demand of the landless and peasant movement in Bangladesh in times of climate change and intensifying land conflicts. The concept of food sovereignty is (...)
UAWC in the Field
Watch UAWC’s new short film titled: UAWC in the Field, Al-Sileh Al-Harithyeh ,Jenin.
Tunis WSF 2015: Final demonstration in (...)
Hundreds of people march during the 2015 World Social Forum in support of Palestine
Action publique à Bruxelles : Our Land Our (...)
Ce mercredi 25 mars La Permanence Vidéo des Luttes Sociales a filmé l’action publique mené dans le cadre de la campagne « Our Land Our Business » qui rassemble plus de 200 organisations de la société (...)
Soil, Struggle and Justice: Agroecology in (...)
This film examines a cooperative of the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST) in the South of Brazil, which struggled for access to land and then transitioned to ecological agriculture, or (...)
No Land No Food No Life
No Land No Food No Life is a hard-hitting film which explores sustainable peasant and community agriculture and the urgent calls for an end to corporate global land (...)
Struggle for food sovereignty
Watch UAWC’s new short film titled: Struggle for food sovereignty
MST lanza video oficial sobre el 6° Congreso (...)
Entre los días 10 y 14 de febrero de 2014, transcurrió el 6° Congreso Nacional del MST, en Brasilia. "Luchar, Construir Reforma Agraria Popular!" fue el lema del 6° Congreso, que representa la (...)

Radio & pictures (18)

Brasil: MST - 21 Sin Tierra asesinados, 23 años de impunidad

Intervención frente al Tribunal de Justicia de Alagoas, en memoria de los asesinados en la Masacre de Eldorado dos Carajás, en Pará.
Tracto-Vélo contre la A45

34 tracteurs, 180 vélos et 2000 personnes, malgré la pluie !
Caravane Ouest Africaine pour la Terre et l’eau

Partie de Ouagadougou, très tôt le matin du samedi 5 mars 2016, la Caravane Ouest-africaine des luttes pour les terres, l’eau et les semences a marqué un premier arrêt à Houndé dans l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. Il a été question des OGM, de l’accès à l’eau potable, de l’accaparement des terres, etc. Puis les (...)
Saeed Baloch, Advocator for Fishermen’s Rights, Arrested in Pakistan

Saeed Baloch

Saeed Baloch, veteran activist and campaigner for fishermen’s rights in Pakistan, was arrested on the 16th of January 2016 by Pakistani forces. Hemantha Withanage, Executive Director at the Center for Environmental Justice and a member of Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka, spoke with Real World (...)
December 10, 2015 : Global convergence of struggles of Land

El 10 de diciembre de 2015, la Convergencia Global de las Luchas por la Tierra y el Agua organizo una conferencia sobre el tema : "Enfriar el planeta : las comunidades afectadas en la vanguardia de la lucha". Segun esa convergencia es necesario buscar puntos de encuentro al fin de hacer llegar (...)
La Via Campesina participates at Expo dei Popoli, Milan Italy

The Expo in Milan ignores the small-scale food producers. We are responsible for feeding 70% of the world population. Doing so we create employment, we cool down the earth, and we respect nature and workers in the process. Together we defend people’s rights and dignity and we tell it to the (...)
La Via Campesina participates at Expo dei Popoli, 3-5 June 2015 Milan Italy

La Via Campesina is at Expo dei Popoli to let the world know that WE feed the world. The Expo in Milan ignores the small-scale food producers. We are responsible for feeding 70% of the world population. Doing so we create employment, we cool down the earth, and we respect nature and workers (...)
Un Estado anticampesino

Brutal despliegue de fuerza contra más de 150 familias campesinas en Paraguay.