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¡Sembramos semillas de luchas y resistencias, cosechamos derechos (...)
Olivier De Schutter message on the Importance and Implementation of United (...)
La deforestación y la extracción del carbón contaminan y secan los cauces de agua
Por deforestación, cada ano la amazonia pierde 20.000 km². Si seguimos así, en el 2030, la selva amazónica habrá desaparecido...
Protest againts the EU-INDIA FTA
In June 2007, the 27 members of the European Union started to negociate a Free Trade agreement with India. Since the talks began, there has been no access to negotiating texts. This video shows a (...)
Nouvelle colonisation
Un clip de rap qui présente le phénomène d’accaparement des terres (land grabing) par Kolibri
Call for the recycling of human pooh
Humans are the only animals who defecate in their drinking water. According to conservative estimates, the Indian sacred river Yamuna receives more than 3000 million litters of domestic waste (...)
Farmers in India protest against Land (...)
October 2010, more than 800 people travel from Assam to Dehli to protest big dams and laws such as the Land acquisition act 1894. In August 2011, 4000 people are in Dehli again to protest the (...)
Wir haben es satt !
Die Verhandlungen über die Reform der Europäischen Agrarpolitik (GAP) gehen in die heiße Phase. Landwirtschaftsminister Berlakovich verweigert dabei den Dialog mit "unliebsamen" (...)
Si la temperatura sigue aumentando como consecuencia del modelo capitalista de producción y de consumo la vida de la planeta se vera seriamente afectada