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Apertura VII Congreso CLOC - Vía Campesina
#VIICongresoCLOC - La Coordinadora Latinoamerica de Organizaciones del Campo, CLOC-LVC, inauguró ayer su VII Congreso en la Habana, Cuba. El complejo El Laguito recibió a cerca de 400 delegaxs de organizaciones campesinas de 21 países de América Latina.

Voz Campesina 31

Una nueva edición de esta bitácor de luchas campesinas de América Latina y el Caribe, nacida precisamente en el V Congreso de CLOC, realizado en 2010 en Quito, Ecuador, en este caso ad portas de un nuevo encuentro continental.
Marcha de Mujeres Campesinas en Honduras

Marcha realizada en el marco del 8 de Marzo 2015- Día de la Mujer. Por la Soberanía ALimentaria contra la violencia y el agronegocio.
Brasil : Campesinas toman empresa de Transgénicos

En el marco de la Jornada Nacional de Lucha de las Mujeres del Campo, campesinas brasileñas toman empresa de eucapiltos transgénicos. 2015
Honduras : Campesinas en Lucha

Jornada de Acciones de las Mujeres del Campo, Honduras 2015. Por la Soberanía Alimentaria contra la violencia y el agronegocio !
Mali : "Agroecology is in our hands ! - Opening of the International Agroecology Forum

Sélingué, Mali, 24 February 2015 – Today, more than 250 delegates attended the first International Forum on Agroecology (24-27 February) hosted by Confederation of Peasants Organizations of Mali (CNOP) and La Via Campesina, at the Nyéléni Center in Sélingué, south Mali. Women and men from diverse (...)
More Photos Mali : "Agroecology is in our hands ! We are building it further together !" - Opening of the International Agroecology Forum

Sélingué, Mali, 24 February 2015 – Today, more than 250 delegates attended the first International Forum on Agroecology hosted by Confederation of Peasants Organizations of Mali (CNOP) and La Via Campesina, at the Nyéléni Center in Sélingué, south Mali. Women and men from diverse constituencies, among (...)
LVC South Asia Regional Meeting : Sevagram, August 25-28, 2014

La Via Campesina’s South Asia Region convened in Sevagram Ashram on August 25th-28th, 2014 for our regional meeting. We had over 50 participants, coming from Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and India. Women and youth were well represented, and participated in the Youth and Women’s meetings. We had (...)
Women’s Struggle For Food Sovereignty ; against violence and agribusiness !

The Via Campesina calls for the coordination of actions to highlight the fundamental role played by women in guaranteeing Food Sovereignty – not only as a means of confronting the food crisis but as an essential ethical principle that has as its basis social justice and equality. On this day of (...)