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Dernières vidéos

Olivier De Schutter message on the Importance and Implementation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural areas
Director-General (FAO) meet up with La Via Campesina
March 8, International Women’s Day : Day of Action and Struggle !
VIACAMPESINA TV makes visible the role of women in building the movement, in their struggles for food sovereignty, and the construction of a new economic model of production and consumption. See (...)
Struggle for food sovereignty
Watch UAWC’s new short film titled : Struggle for food sovereignty
Save Our Seeds - Part 3 : Innovation Manipulation
Part 3 - Innovation Manipulation : This is the 3rd part in a series of videos on Bill C-18 — the omnibus agriculture bill that seeks to align Canada’s seed laws with the international UPOV ’91 (...)
Save Our Seeds - Part 2 : Royalties & Cascading Rights
Part Two : Royalties and Cascading Rights : This is the second in a series of videos on Bill C-18 — the omnibus agriculture bill that seeks to align Canada’s seed laws with the international UPOV (...)
Lower Aguán - Cry for the Land
The documentary is aimed at exposing to the international public the state of constant threat faced by peasant farmers in the Bajo Aguán region of Honduras.
Oil Palm Aggression on Palawan UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve
Agrofuels in Palawan, as elsewhere in the Philippines, have been portrayed as a key solution to lower greenhouse gas emission, achieve energy independence, as well as a tool for poverty (...)
It was their native customary land until palm oil companies came and claimed it their own. With the help of corrupt politicians, almost 9,000 hectares of forest and agricultural lands were (...)
Environmental crime : in pursuit of palm oil industry
Palm oil is massively imported into Europe, to be used for food and biofuels. A new refinery might be established in Port la Nouvelle (Aude - South of France), supported by local authorities (or (...)