(Toowomba, April 17, 2014) The newly formed Family Farmers United Network (FFUN) held a field day at Symara Farm, owned by Ray and Sam Palmer. After the tour of the farm, it was time to eat a shared lunch, and then watch 2 videos – one produced by Greenhorns (the young farmer network group from USA) and the other produced by La Via Campesina on the saving of seeds. Sam led a discussion around the FFUN survey questions relating to defining who was a ’family farmer’ and what processes the network wished to use to accept new members. The event was completed by the sharing of seeds.
- ¡Sembramos semillas de luchas y resistencias, cosechamos derechos!
- La Vía Campesina: ¡Sembramos semillas de luchas y resistencias, cosechamos derechos! #EsTiempoDeTransformar
- Mobilisation week to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
- Jornada Mundial de Lucha por la Eliminación de la violencia contra las Mujeres
- Brasil: MST - 21 Sin Tierra asesinados, 23 años de impunidad
Peasants’ seeds
- UNDROP : Formation sur le droit aux semences
- 16 octobre : Journée internationale d’action pour la souveraineté alimentaire des peuples et contre les sociétés transnationales
- Semilla campesina Vs Semilla transgénica
- Seeds of Resistance
- 16 October: International Day of Action for Peoples’ Food Sovereignty and against Transnational corporations