Mercia Andrews (an ally of La Via Campesina)...
Mercia Andrews (an ally of La Via Campesina) from the Rural Women Assembly (RWA)/People’s Dialogue (PD) explains to farmers, rural women and women in mining why we should mobilise against a system that affects us all and build solidarity to fight the system subservient to transnational corporations (TNCs). Event- SADC People’s Summit held in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe from the 14 to the 16 August 2014.
- Maroc : manifestation à l’occasion de la journée internationale de lutte pour les droits des femmes
- Les paysans ont des spécificités qu’il faut prendre en compte
- March for Climate Justice in Marrakech during COP22
- Forum agroécologie Nyeleni
- Femmes Ouest africaines productrices d’huile de palme traditionnelle
- Agribusiness
- Public policies for food sovereignty