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My plate is heating up!

She lives the life of the urban thirty-something. Comfortable, fast-paced, surrounded with gadgets. A trivial incident in her kitchen makes her realise that the products she eats (quickly) have an impact on climate disruption.

And what if our food explained where it comes from?

And what if it told you that, behind the false solutions we are being offered to mitigate the negative impacts of agriculture on global warming, there is a handful of major industrialists and financiers? This would make a lot to swallow in just 10 minutes!
Like the protagonist in this video, join us and take action with La Conf’!

In December, La Conf’ will be present in Paris during the COP21, AGAINST false solutions and FOR food sovereignty

Legal notice:
A film by La Confédération Paysanne as part of its campaign "Envie de paysans!" 2015-2016. (enviedepaysans.fr)
Production: Pix’Grain
Director: Caroline Villond
Animation: Jean-Philippe Nicolle
Graphics: Myriam Benois
Music: Proleter and Maxime Prunet

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