Peoples mobilization in Lilongwe
In Lilongwe, Malawi, from 15th to 17th August 2013, more than hundred peasants and rural women attended the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Peoples Summit, a parallel and alternative peoples gathering in the region, parallel to the SADC Heads of States meeting. This videos shows extracts of the peoples march, in the streets of Lilongwe.
Palabras clave
- Maroc : manifestation à l’occasion de la journée internationale de lutte pour les droits des femmes
- Les paysans ont des spécificités qu’il faut prendre en compte
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- Femmes Ouest africaines productrices d’huile de palme traditionnelle
- ¡Sembramos semillas de luchas y resistencias, cosechamos derechos!
- La Vía Campesina: ¡Sembramos semillas de luchas y resistencias, cosechamos derechos! #EsTiempoDeTransformar
- Mobilisation week to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
- Jornada Mundial de Lucha por la Eliminación de la violencia contra las Mujeres
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- Malawi