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Olivier De Schutter message on the Importance and Implementation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural areas
Director-General (FAO) meet up with La Via Campesina
Farmers in India protest against Land acquisition Law
October 2010, more than 800 people travel from Assam to Dehli to protest big dams and laws such as the Land acquisition act 1894. In August 2011, 4000 people are in Dehli again to protest the (...)
Traditional Workers fights for their Lifestyle
This is a story about people who are struggling to keep their lifestyles going. Traditional fish workers, forest dwellers, farmers who are being displaced by large scale industrial projects are (...)
Women farmers building the future
Testimonies of women farmers during the Second World Assembly of rural women which took place in Brazil in June 2004 on the time of the Fourth International Conference of la Via (...)
V Congreso de la CLOC, Foro Social de Migraciones, Quito
Marcha y desafíos conjuntos del V Congreso de la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo - La Vía Campesina y el Foro Social de Migraciones por el Centro Histórico de Quito-Ecuador, (...)
Silent Ocupation
New video by Real World Radio in the International Day Against Monoculture Tree Plantations.
Un encuentro-semilla
Video resumen el Encuentro Continental en Defensa del Agua y la Pacha Mama (Cuenca, Ecuador) Con la Cruz del Sur Andina o Chakana como símbolo donde se representan los elementos de la Naturaleza (...)
Rio+20: LVC at the People’s Summit
Struggle against landgrabbing in mali