ViacampesinaTV: the new open hub of sounds and images from the broad food sovereignty movement ! Keep sending us your images and audio recordings from the food struggles everywhere in the world.
Testemunhos de mulheres agricultoras durante a Segunda Assembléia Mundial das mulheres rurais que tiveram lugar no Brasil em junho de 2004 por ocasião da IV Conferência Internacional da Via (...)
Campesinas construyendo Futuro
Testimonios de las mujeres campesinas durante la Segunda Asamblea Mundial de las mujeres rurales, que tuvo lugar en Brasil en junio de 2004 con motivo de la IV Conferencia Internacional de la Vía (...)
Women farmers building the future
Testimonies of women farmers during the Second World Assembly of rural women which took place in Brazil in June 2004 on the time of the Fourth International Conference of la Via (...)