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Viacampesina TV - The peasants’ struggle in sounds, images and music
The mirror of our struggles
This television is ours; it is a mirror of our daily lives, our dreams and our struggles. The international peasants’ movement, La Via Campesina, took the opportunity of its 20th anniversary to launch a new website full of voices, faces, people and music. It brings together audio-visual material and cultural creations from the farmers’ organisations themselves, whether they are members of Via Campesina or not, as well as material produced by friends, allies or sometimes mainstream media.
The material you will find on this website does not represent the official voice of La Via Campesina. Instead, it is more of an open hub of sounds and images from the broad food sovereignty movement. The position papers, press releases and other articles of the Via Campesina can be found at
Send us sounds and images!
Most of the first videos presented on Viacampesina TV were sent to us as a response to a global call for videos on farmers’ organisations and the struggle for land, food, agroecology, native seeds, water and food sovereignty. We received so many that we could choose only a few, mainly based on their relevancy to the food sovereignty struggle.
Now, on a permanent basis, we invite you – farmers, activists, film makers, radio producers and organisations – to send us your material and share your vision for a food system based on justice and equity. An editorial team at Via Campesina will review the content of the submitted material.
We also invite film makers, radio and TV producers and other multi-media creators to use this material to promote our message.
The Babel Tower...
Viacampesina TV will feature material in all languages available, together in one place, but the main menu will be in Spanish, English or French only. However, if you want to see all the material available in one specific language, you can use the specific search tool.
We hope that it will be a source of knowledge, information and inspiration, and that this new website will be used to share all our local initiatives and strategies. We believe that it will be one of the small dots that, with many others, will deeply change the world.
How to send us audio-visual material
Upload it on vimeo, YouTube or any other video-sharing website.
Then, send us the link to the following address
Authors will be credited and all material will be "Creative Commons" (it can be used freely by all for non-commercial purposes).
You don’t need to be a professional film maker, but you should be willing to change our food system.
Contribute to the video-diversity of struggles in the world!
- Alba TV: Canal Comunitario Internacional
- Brasil de Fato
- Canal de La Vía Campesina Sudamérica
- Coordinadora Europea Vía Campesina
- Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo- CLOC- Vía Campesina
- Enlace Medios
- La Via Campesina South Asia
- La Via Campesina Youth - South East Asia
- Radio Mundo Real
- Via Campesina Africa
- World Social Forum TV
- ZinTV