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Food Sovereignty is Land, Water, Seeds, Bread and Solidarity!

On October the 16th, we celebrate 25 years of envisioning food sovereignty. This 25-year celebration and reflections are happening at a time when the planet and humanity is facing unprecedented crisis upon crisis. There is no Future without Food Sovereignty: Now is the Time to Transform!
We, the peasants, men and women, indigenous peoples, rural populations, agricultural workers, the youth in urban and rural areas, have the solution –Food sovereignty and Peasant Agroecology.

Radio & Photos

Honduras: Campesinas en Lucha

Jornada de Acciones de las Mujeres del Campo, Honduras 2015. Por la Soberanía Alimentaria contra la violencia y el agronegocio!

Mali: "Agroecology is in our hands! - Opening of the International Agroecology Forum

Sélingué, Mali, 24 February 2015 – Today, more than 250 delegates attended the first International Forum on Agroecology (24-27 February) hosted by Confederation of Peasants Organizations of Mali (...)

More Photos Mali: "Agroecology is in our hands! We are building it further together!" - Opening of the International Agroecology Forum

Sélingué, Mali, 24 February 2015 – Today, more than 250 delegates attended the first International Forum on Agroecology hosted by Confederation of Peasants Organizations of Mali (CNOP) and La Via (...)

LVC South Asia Regional Meeting: Sevagram, August 25-28, 2014

La Via Campesina’s South Asia Region convened in Sevagram Ashram on August 25th-28th, 2014 for our regional meeting. We had over 50 participants, coming from Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and (...)

La Via Campesina
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Cuba: avanza VII Congreso de la CLOC-Vía Campesina
Cuba: CLOC evalúa estado de agricultura campesina en (...)
Chukki Nanjundaswamy speaks about the challenges (...)
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