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Food Sovereignty is Land, Water, Seeds, Bread and Solidarity!

On October the 16th, we celebrate 25 years of envisioning food sovereignty. This 25-year celebration and reflections are happening at a time when the planet and humanity is facing unprecedented crisis upon crisis. There is no Future without Food Sovereignty: Now is the Time to Transform!
We, the peasants, men and women, indigenous peoples, rural populations, agricultural workers, the youth in urban and rural areas, have the solution –Food sovereignty and Peasant Agroecology.

Radio & Photos

¡Al campo con derechos!

Momentos clave hacia la Declaración de Derechos de Campesinas y Campesinos en ONU; diálogo a fondo con Diego Montón.

International day of peasants struggles in Brussels

Converging and strengthening the movement this international day of peasants struggles in Brussels: ECVC was joined by other social movements, labor unions and NGOs in Brussels in the defense of (...)

Cartes postales du #17Avril : effets des accords de libre échange sur la paysannerie et la souveraineté alimentaire

(Harare, le 17 avril 2018) Depuis deux décennies, les accords de libre-échange (ALÉ) constituent une tentative de recolonisation et d’assujettissement. En ce 22e anniversaire du massacre d’Eldorado (...)

Postales #17Abril - Efectos de los TLC para el campesinado y la Soberanía Alimentaria.

En el marco del Día Internacional de las Luchas Campesinas, La Vía Campesina realizó esta serie de postales para denunciar los principales efectos de los TLC para el campesinado y la Soberanía (...)

La Via Campesina
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Marcha por la soberania alimentaria : Bilbao, (...)
Marche pour la souveraineté alimentaire: Bilbao, (...)
March for Food Sovereignty: Bilbao, Basque Country, (...)
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