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Food Sovereignty is Land, Water, Seeds, Bread and Solidarity!

On October the 16th, we celebrate 25 years of envisioning food sovereignty. This 25-year celebration and reflections are happening at a time when the planet and humanity is facing unprecedented crisis upon crisis. There is no Future without Food Sovereignty: Now is the Time to Transform!
We, the peasants, men and women, indigenous peoples, rural populations, agricultural workers, the youth in urban and rural areas, have the solution –Food sovereignty and Peasant Agroecology.

Radio & Photos

Con el nombre de Egidio Brunetto

En la apertura interna de la VI Conferencia de Vía Campesina Paul Nicholson enumeró los desafíos Luego de la apertura pública el domigo de la VI Conferencia Internacional de la Vía Campesina, este (...)

Searching for the right path

Nettie Wiebe, representative of the National Farmers’ Union of Canada

Audio recorded by Real World Radio in Jakarta, Indonesia, in the framework of VI International Conference of La Via Campesina. “The whole agenda about the green economy, which means that every (...)

La Via Campesina
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