By Carlo Bolzoni and Guglielmo Del Signore for Eco Ruralis association.
What does it mean to be a peasant in Romania?
The Nyéléni Europe movement for Food Sovereignty is honored to invite media representatives to come and cover the 2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty – the biggest ever convergence of Pan-European food sovereignty movements.
Up to 1,000 people from 42 countries – small-scale farmers, fishers, pastoralists, consumers, urban gardeners, indigenous peoples, researchers, agricultural workers, environmentalists, human rights defenders and trade unionists – will converge from all over Europe for a series of workshops and discussions on how to take back control of the farming and food system.
Dates: 26th – 30 October 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Details about the agenda and more practical information are available on Nyéléni Europe Forum’s for Food Sovereignty website: nyelenieurope.net and within the Press/Media section.
For any inquiries and if you would like to be on the press mailing list, please contact: communication@nyelenieurope.net and the focal points from each country.