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Olivier De Schutter message on the Importance and Implementation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural areas
Director-General (FAO) meet up with La Via Campesina
Solidaridad con Brasil "#FueraOMC
La Cumbre de los Pueblos "#FueraOMC - Construyendo Soberanía" en Argentina, también fue un espacio de la construcción de tejidos solidarios, en video miembro de La Vía Campesina Tailandia se (...)
Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations: Tchenna Maso presenting the proposal by social movements
"Here there is a lot of pain and a lot of history, of many of our comrades who died fighting. You need to look at this document very seriously. " Tchenna Maso, of the Movement of People Affected (...)
The End of Corporate Impunity is Coming!
The treaties for investment protection and "free" trade signed by states favor the interests of transnational corporations by granting them rights and privileges, without requiring them in return (...)
La Via Campesina & the context of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) in Committee on Food Security (CFS)
#16October #FoodSovereignty - "Peasants’ rights have been systemically and systematically violated all around the world. Peasants are being forced out of their farms, their control over their (...)
The judicial process of the Aymarazo socio environmental conflict
It’s been six years since the events known as the ‘Aymarazo’, a socio-environmental conflict that happened in 2011, when thousands of Aymara indigenous people in the south of the Puno region in Peru (...)
Step up the fight against agribusiness, Unite for Food Sovereignty
On Saturday, July 22nd at Derio in the Basque Country, La Via Campesina, the international peasant movement representing over 170 organizations and movements in 72 countries, closed its VIIth (...)
March for Food Sovereignty: Bilbao, Basque Country, July 23 2017
Peasant members of La Via Campesina and allies took our a march for food sovereignty and in defense of Mother Earth. Voices from Europe, Asia Africa and Americas. Source: Focus (...)
Fifth International Women’s Assembly of La Via Campesina
The Vth International Women’s Assembly of La Via Campesina began yesterday and include approximately 150 women peasants from all continents – representing peasant movements from 79 countries. (...)