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Olivier De Schutter message on the Importance and Implementation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural areas
Director-General (FAO) meet up with La Via Campesina
What’s wrong with the Green Economy?
Landless Workers’ Movement member Alejandro Mariani discusses the impacts that the Rio+20 conference and the "Green Economy" will have on landless workers in Brazil and around the world. Interview (...)
La Via Campesina in movement
Watch this 20 minutes film about the struggle of La Via Campesina and show it to your neighbours, friends, community, local organization, in a cultural center, a film festival, a demonstration... (...)
The Herakles Debacle
From its very name, American-owned SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon, Ltd. (SGSOC) presents a pro-environment, pro-resources image. This is supported by an impressive- sounding partnership with an NGO (...)
Dialog between rural and urban communities
The Rural - Urban Dialogue Festival is an innovative experience in Colombia, which aims to deepen the involvement of the general public and institutions in environmental issues and to reflect on (...)
Pig business
Pig Business investigates the rise of factory pig farming, a system which abuses animals, pollutes the environment, threatens human health through dangerous overuse of antibiotics, and wrecks (...)
The value of women
Rural women in Central America are fighting for access to land as reforms and law usually do not include women. In the seventies and eighties, only 12% of the beneficiaries of land reforms and (...)