Working with Kheti Virasat Mission, Amarjeet Sharma has managed to turn his small plot of land in the state of Punjab from lifeless, debt ridden farm into a healthy, productive and profitable one. As a witness to the destructive agricultural policy that swept the state in the 1960s Sharma has decided to return to a more organic approach, a system that has evolved from the teaching of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. Known as the Sarbat da Bhala or agriculture for the well being of all, the principles of this philosophy focus on understanding the complex relationships between animals, insects, plants and ourselves. By working with nature rather than against it, he was able to not only increase his productivity but also provide healthy food within a healthy environment.
Sharma is just one of the new generations of farmers who are regaining control of their environments and their futures.
Amarjeet Sharma comes from village of Chaina in the state of Punjab, India.
Source: the source project (https://vimeo.com/thesourceproject)
Sustainable peasant’s agriculture
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