First Nation, La Via Campesina, WhyHungher and Food First representative met to talk and share opinion and common future struggles.
Speech from: Eriel Tchekwie Deranger and Ryan “Gitz” Derange – Indigenous Environmental Network/Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (Blackfoot).Eriel is an Indigenous rights advocate and member of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) of Northern Alberta, Canada. She works to raise awareness about the negative climate, human and Indigenous rights impacts of the Alberta Tar Sands.
Gitz Crazyboy (Ryan Deranger), First Nation Dene/Pikini (Blackfoot), Alberta, Canada.
Stephanie Wang – Peasant Union/La Via Campesina
Lorette Picciano – Rural Coalition/La Via Campesina
Carlos Marentes Sr. – Border Agriculture Workers Project/La Via Campesina
Ryan “Gitz” Derange – Indigenous Environmental Network/Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Eric Holt-Gimenez – Food First/US Food Sovereignty Alliance
Debate organized by WhyHungher.
Video: Focus Puller/Vimeo
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FSM 2016 Montreal: First Nation Eriel Tchekwie and Gitz Crazyboy from Athabasca Chipewyan met with LVC and NGO’s