Tanzania is at the forefront in the battle for control over Africa’s food system. With the help of the UK government (and others in the G7) corporations are scrambling to expand their markets in seeds, fertilisers, agrochemicals and land. But small-scale farmer organisations are fighting back by strengthening farmers’ knowledge of land, seeds and soil.
Aid donors need to decide; is aid money there to help small-scale farmers get better access to chemical free technologies or is it simply to expand the market reach of large corporations?
- Maroc : manifestation à l’occasion de la journée internationale de lutte pour les droits des femmes
- Les paysans ont des spécificités qu’il faut prendre en compte
- March for Climate Justice in Marrakech during COP22
- Forum agroécologie Nyeleni
- Femmes Ouest africaines productrices d’huile de palme traditionnelle
- Agribusiness
Peasants’ seeds
- UNDROP : Formation sur le droit aux semences
- 16 octobre : Journée internationale d’action pour la souveraineté alimentaire des peuples et contre les sociétés transnationales
- Semilla campesina Vs Semilla transgénica
- Seeds of Resistance
- 16 October: International Day of Action for Peoples’ Food Sovereignty and against Transnational corporations
- Land, water and territories
- Tanzania