There is more interest in food now than ever before, yet, no one is talking about the people who pick our food, the hundreds of thousands of hard working individuals to whom we are all connected through our purchases at supermarkets, farmers’ markets and restaurants.
FOOD CHAIN explores the state of labor within the agriculture sector in the US and the immoral practices that affect the lives of countless thousands of farm workers.
Starring: Eva Longoria (Executive Producer), Eric Schlosser, Dolores Huerta, Bobby Kennedy Jr., Hilda Solis, Lucas Benitez, Gerardo Reyes-Chavez, Barry Estabrook, Tom Saenz (President and General Counsel of MALDEF) and others.
- Agribusiness
- Peasants’ rights
Peasants’ seeds
- UNDROP : Formation sur le droit aux semences
- 16 octobre : Journée internationale d’action pour la souveraineté alimentaire des peuples et contre les sociétés transnationales
- Semilla campesina Vs Semilla transgénica
- Seeds of Resistance
- 16 October: International Day of Action for Peoples’ Food Sovereignty and against Transnational corporations