Planting alternatives; harvesting hopes. Agroecological (re)peasantization the Escambray Mountains, of Villa Clara Province . In Cuba suffered a deep food crisis late last century which triggered a rethinking of the agricultural model and a return to peasant production. The overall goal of this project is to investigate whether the process of agroecological production and (re)peasantization adopted as a survival strategy, might today be an alternative proposal for production to the development paradigm of hegemonic modernity. You can select the HD option.
Sustainable peasant’s agriculture
- ¡Sembramos semillas de luchas y resistencias, cosechamos derechos!
- La Vía Campesina: ¡Sembramos semillas de luchas y resistencias, cosechamos derechos! #EsTiempoDeTransformar
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Peasants’ seeds
- UNDROP : Formation sur le droit aux semences
- 16 octobre : Journée internationale d’action pour la souveraineté alimentaire des peuples et contre les sociétés transnationales
- Semilla campesina Vs Semilla transgénica
- Seeds of Resistance
- 16 October: International Day of Action for Peoples’ Food Sovereignty and against Transnational corporations
- Land, water and territories
- Cuba